Ihalan Warplate, also known as Ihalan Battleplate, is a family of protective combat armour design that has been in use within Ionia since the early Polemic Period of Ionian history. 

The origins of Ihalan Warplate date back to the murky period of the Polemic Period where the kingdoms of Ptelea and Ossan mined and forged Ihalan Plate from its namesake of the Ihalan Spiral. Where the plate originated from is hotly debated, however experts believe it to have originated on the ancient mining colony of Nemnos on the trailing end of the Ihalan Spiral. 

The specific design of Ihalan Warplate has evolved over time, gaining more sophisticated features over the years, including the incorporation of advanced helmet heads-up displays and armour-mounted weapon systems. However, one of the lasting elements of the Ihalan Warplate design is its neo-Hellenic design.

Since the Polemic and Satrapic Periods the Ihalan Battleplate has been a symbol of Ionia, known throughout most of the Known Galaxy. In more recent times, Lidrus Defense Systems has become the leading producer of Ihalan Battleplate and supplies the Unified Ionian Military as well as the Sadarii Common Military


Of all the commodities to come from the Ionian Caldera, none are more emblematic of a combined Ionian culture as the Ihalan Warplate, the family of defensive armour produced and utalised by the soldiery of the Ionian polities for centuries, and in the modern day by the men and women of the Unified Ionian Military. It's history stretches back to the very foundations of human civilization in and around the Ionian Caldera, birthed during the fires of its earliest wars, and emblazoned upon the Ionian people through myth and legend told of those bygone epochs.

The true origins of Ihalan Warplate remain occluded, however it has generally been agreed upon by scholastic circles within the Ionian League that the origins of the Ihalan Warplate stem from the early Ossyrian colonies, predominantly the world of Carthagus that would one day go on to rule an extra-solar empire of its own.

The beginnings of the distinctive design that would one day become recognizable as Ihalan Warplate started with 'Carthagine Carapace Armour', the earliest form of powered combat armour discovered within the Ionian Caldera, and utalised by Carthagus' soldiery during its years of conquest. Formed of a simple powered chest piece, it was designed with fighting in a terrestrial environment in mind, it was not fully enclosed, with no means to support the wearer in a vacuum.

Only the upper body was powered, due in part to the fact that during the conquest of Carthagus, ranged weapons were difficult to make due to technological and industrial constraints, and so a warrior's upper-body strength was his most important asset.

As the Carthagians took to the stars and began their conquest of their extra-solar neighbours, the nature of their legionaries armour needed to change, to meet the constraints of the myriad of different environments they would be expected to wage war in, and thus so was the aptly named 'Ossyrian Powered Assault Amour' crafted, the first official suit of warplate forged from the Ihalan alloy.



Types & Variants

Ancient Variations

  • Carthagine Carapace Armour

  • Ossyrian Powered Assault Amour

  • Ossyrian Infantry Carapace Armour

Ionian League

Assisted Armour



Power Amour

  • Early League Power Armour


Grand Archonate of Sadar

  • Forine Tactical Assault Armour