The Erudites of The Firstborn, known also as the Erudites, is a denomination of Protestant-Christianity. It has grown to be one of the largest denominations of the religion in the galaxy. The Erudites of The Firstborn maintain the Christian belief that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of Humanity; the Messiah as prophesied by the Old Testament, and uphold his teachings from the New Testament. Unlike many previous denominations of the religion, the Erudite church teaches that scientific findings are to be believed as a matter of doctrine; not as firmly as Biblical teachings, yet still are to be held as true with the obvious caveat that man is fallible and all scientific findings should be taken with a grain of salt. This is done with a much more scientific understanding rather than religious-based hesitance, though many opponents of the faith are quick to dismiss the small difference in train of thought.

This denomination promotes modern science, logical thinking, and a less literal view of many parts of the Bible due to translation unknowns, while maintaining some, especially New Testament, portions very literal. It also promotes the idea of a dynamic universe created by the Christian God and his continued influence, possibly through the unknown factors of quantum mechanics, though few wish to actually place a modus operandi upon their Lord. In this dynamic universe, the modern theory of Evolution is allowed to coexist with Christian beliefs. This belief system has notable angered many more "traditional" Christians.  A great many teachings by the Erudites are focused on the Proverbs of Solomon for their rationalistic nature and focus on wisdom.

While homosexual marriage, alcoholism, abortion, and divorce are discouraged through the faith, the Erudite belief system does not exceptionally condemn them, citing that "all sin is sin, no one more equally damning than another;" that is, the church supports homosexual marriage or abortion no more than it supports a member in a morally "minor" lie or hateful speech.


Originally "Scientific Christianity," the Erudite started out from Non-Denominational "Seed" churches who were welcoming of more modern practices of worship and new ideas, while not willing to deviate from the core tenants of their faith.  The original church began as a project between several Universities on Earth in the 2200's among Christians who found that the Bible and modern science did not contradict each other as commonly taught, and could be made to compliment one another. The groups of young Christians set about to unify the two, and developed a new thread of Non-Denominational Christianity. It wasn't until 2341 that the teachings were widespread enough that the collection of churches were large enough to identify as their own denomination.

With preconceived notions about Christians broken through the Erudites of The Firstborn, a small revival began throughout humanity, and Christianity once gain began to spread, and many governments in the Intersystem Alliance found it to be beneficial as it reinforced hard work, thorough education, and kindness, and so was well-received in the ghastly memory of the violent First Stellar War and the much more recent, yet much less violent Protest Wars.

It's initial spread was amplified, and the religion found itself in an ample time period; Intersystem Alliance psychologists reinforced the notion of spirituality as being an excellent method of preserving mental health, a necessity for the interstellar travelers of the Astrum Diaspora. As such, many ships found themselves with at least one or two Erudite pastors and a sizable enough congregation, and the religion found itself a foothold in a good many starnations for centuries to come.


The "Erudites of The Firstborn," started out in the 2200's as "Scientific Christianity," named as such for it's adherence to both modern science and Christian beliefs, finding reconciliation between the two. This focus on intelligence, wisdom, and context slowly warped through the years and different churches until a church calling themselves "the Erudites," was founded and spread.

"Firstborn" refers to Christ as "the firstborn of the Earth," taken from the Jewish tradition of Passover; in the first Passover, all in Egypt who did not slay a lamb and paint their doorways with the blood would lose, as sacrifice, their firstborn child; Christ is the firstborn child sacrificed to atone for the sins of the Earth.

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. HE is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent." - Colossians 1:15-18, ESV


In addition to standard Christian teachings about love, kindness, sin and forgiveness, the divinity of Jesus, his resurrection and Heaven and Hell, the Erudite have specific doctrinal and non-doctrinal teachings which they enforce.



It is believed that man cannot "see the face of God," without first being redeemed by Christ's sacrifice and ascending to Heaven; neither Heaven - a place of perfection, nor God - a being of perfection - cannot be comprehended by an imperfect human mind. This is often most directly backed by Moses' interaction:

"But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live." - Exodus 33:20

However, further teachings go on to mention the logic that God, as an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, eternal being far beyond that of what man is able to comprehend, as he has eternity to contemplate issues while man has a limited time.


While this specific doctrine does not deviate from standard Christian teachings, more emphasis is placed on it than other Christian sects; moreso than most other teachings. Focus is placed more on individual strength and effort, rather than raw productivity in the traditional Erudite teachings.

"Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying." - Romans 12:11-12

"Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense." - Proverbs 12:11, ESV

 "The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor." - Proverbs 12:24, ESV

To this end, these efforts are also taught to be done without boasting; success of this sub-doctrine has varying success throughout the star-nations, even within regions, due to cultural differences. Similarly, scripture referring to not overexerting oneself is often left out in teachings by some congregations, though is technically a part of the central ideas behind being an Erudite.


Unlike many other faiths, particularly those with more history, the Erudite openly admit that many of the teachings are not necessarily Biblical-based, but have good logic behind them.


One of the most important tenants held by the Erudite church is that the human brain is a gift from God, and that it's products, as long as they are logical and pragmatic, are likewise gifts. As such, practice of the sciences is upheld as being pleasing to God. It is noted firmly that as scientific theories are not directly given by God himself that they may not be entirely true and should be subject to peer review; that if in adherence to the scientific method and checked by many wise minds, they should be believed.


Education is viewed as one of the most important aspects of life to the practitioners of the Erudites of The Firstborn, as it exercises and utilizes the brain. It is considered "sinful," to drop out of school, become lax in schoolwork, et cetera.


The most popular Pastors of the faith hold not only a theology-major, but usually have also studied history and/or ancient languages to ensure they are properly applying context to the passages of the Bible from which they preach. Numerous churches are noted for having fired Pastors who have been found to have been preaching falsely or making ridiculous claims without backing. As such, religious zealotry is uncommon in Threshold, though there have been occurrences of News Reporters having been assaulted by a few outlying zealots upon making false-claims.