Aegan Mendares (Ionian: Αίγκαν Μεντάρες) is a Tolean noble, head of the House of Mendares and the founder of the Mendarad Dynasty. He is the first Prince of Tolea in the short lived history of the Principality of Tolea. Prince Aegan took the throne of Tolea following the 3412 Election of the Peerage, one of the first actions taken by the Tolean Conclave following the Kosathon peace talks and the subsequent Treaty of Kosathon earlier that same year.

Hardliners among the Tolean Conclave have, for years, decried Prince Aegan as being a Peripherian puppet; his election as prince and subsequent hold of power only possible thanks to Peripherian backing. Since his coronation in 3413, the realms of Prince Aegan have suffered no small amount of terrorist attacks, committed by zealous factions with roots in the nations recent and turbulant past.

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