“I still remember the scent of favorite foods, smell, touch, friendship, family, the colour of my first love’s eyes. To experience those simple pleasures again, would be worth anything.”

Alim Nasrallah was the former Tajiir K'han of the Jiheti and their first prophet, leading the Nasrallah rebels during the Great Schism from 3259 CE until his death in 3268 CE. Alim was raised to near god-hood by his cybernetically enhanced Nasrallah followers; the light in the dark depths of the matnience tunnels of the Sharaadi's ark-ships.

A victim of Liir's jihad across the known galaxy to unite the migrant fleets, Alim and his people were laid low for defying his rule. As such, he and his people were shackled, turned into the worst of slaves; the Nasrallah. For years, in the darkness of the Great Ark Alim planned his uprising, his revenge against Liir and his bloodline, and all of the Glittering Houses.

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