
Table of Contents


The entire republic is comprised of 10 solar systems.

The United Norcian Republic in the south it has the Threshold and in the north is the Empire of Gaennann.

Of which 4 are the The Core systems,4 represent the Mid Rim and the last 2 are the Outer Rim. There are also 5000 mining outposts in space,800 trading stations of different types.

Major systems are: Norcia-home system, Vegesala, Napoli-huge naval shipyards, Carpathia and Danube-industrial output, Morisena and Porolisum-as bread basket.

The Core

This systems have been developed first to insure the necessary industrial output in case of war and a clear position in trading with the other nations. It’s been a priority that the citizens will have a high standard of living, and also have a balance with nature.

Massive infrastructure projects which have been built with efficiency in mind have been constructed all over this systems.

The Norcian system has been colonized in 2562.All 4 Systems have reached full development and high level of population by 2792.There was a policy that stimulated families to have more than 3 children. The quality of life is very high because of high performance medical system, which is free for all citizens.

The Norcian loved to build big projects as a statement of the economic power. There is a saying between Norcians ”Go big or go home”.

The Mid Rim

This 4 systems have been colonized between 2612 and 3122.The development of the Core systems required huge quantities of minerals and ore to meet the necessary requirements. Because of the needs of the Core, even if they had an agricultural output, it wasn’t enough. So some of the systems have been developed as bread baskets of the republic.

In the Mid Rim have been discovered huge quantities of minerals both grounside and the belts and asteroids.

The Outer Rim

This was a new development stage of Norcia. This systems are still under developed, but the Republic wants them developed fast to secure the borders and vital breathing space so that the Norcian Armed Forces to react fast. This lasted between 3232 and present.


Government Composition

The Republic is divided in three branches: the Executive Branch, the Judiciary Branch, and the Legislative Branch.

The Legislative is represented by the Senate, which is considered the heart of the Republic.

The President represents the Norcian Republic with the other neighboring states regarding foreign policy, but major developments have to be approved by the Senate.

The Judiciary is represented by THE HIGH TRIBUNAL.
Head of the Nation President


United Norcia Space Command

The armed branches of the Norcian Republic are represented by United Norcian Space Command, which is the defacto Navy. It’s main tasks are exploration and defence of the Republic

United Norcia Marines Corp

The marines represent an important tool in the Norcian arsenal. There main duties are  protecting the NSC ships and secure initial beachheads until the main invasion force reaches groundside.

United Norcia Army

The Army is the main shield in keeping intact the Republic. There main role is protection of all the colonies from any threat. In times of need the Army will help the citizens after major disaster.

United Norcia Guard

The Guard is the main force to insure local space lanes. They are to random make customs checks, arrest wanted criminals and save any life which is in danger.

United Norcia Legion Corp

The Legion is the best of the best in the Norcian armed forces. The Legions are elite shock units meant to do any tasks on the battlefield to win. This unit was formed as to honor the past and secure the future.

United Norcia Air Force

This organization is responsable for total air defence and near orbit protection.Squadrons from the UNAF could be found also on defensive stations orbiting planets.The craft used were designed mainly for air defence,air support and interdiction roles.


Health System

The health system was considered by the Senate a very strategic asset for Norcia. A great care was put so that all citizens were to have access to medical facilities .

The medical system was designed from the start as a multi layered one. The first one was the clinics which were capable to offer small scale medical care and procedure for communities smaller then 5000 people, until a victim could be transferred to a better facility. Next we have small hospital in communities smaller than 30.000 people, this facilities offered a better option for treatment including an emergency room, intensive care unit but on a small scale. Next we have regional hospitals which catered for communities smaller than 150.000,here we have extensive medical services and equipment which in the lower tier will not be found.

The crown jewel was the valetudinaria hospitals which were the biggest medical facilities in Norcia. Here is were the future is constructed, new procedures discovered, new minds molded. You could find several of these in major cities.

Also a lot of money has been put into emergency medical air evacuation. All the planets had a well developed network of bases which could put in the air a EMS asset within 7 minutes. Also to insure that colonies built on asteroids had access to any type of medical assistance so that Mercy class hospital ships were born.

The Senate has regulated very well the system so that any doctor that did harm to its patients will be punished harsh. Anyone pretending to be a doctor and caught trying to treat someone punishment is death. The system was considered to offer universal care for all citizens, but the Senate allowed also private medical facilities to appear, but strict regulations have to be respected.


Norcian Citizen

The Norcian people were famous for their nonsense attitude, but that was directed to certain aspects of  life. The people knew how to enjoy life.

Citizens of this nation loved every type of entertainment available to them. here there were outdoor activities, you will find Norcians. Go to a theater you will find Norcians. Even at a festival you will find Norcians.

One of the most important festival is the Vinalia, where the most celebrated thing is the grape. A lot of variants of grapes were sold ,the first grape juice was made, a lot of tasting of wine from previous years. A lot of music and artists flocked to this festival.

The Senate even declared Vinalia a national free day as Senator Publius Commodus said: ”For us wine is life, is the sweet nectar of gods, without it there is no meaning.”

Norcians appreciated a good wine. So with time wine has become  a very respected national drink. The Norcian wines will become famous with time and bring much wealth.

The Senate invested a lot of time and money into culture, art, education. Art galleries had extensive collections of art such as paintings, sculptures, some of them dating back to the founding days. The National Museum of Art and History kept a collection of pictures dating from 11 march 2562.That was the day when the first settlers arrived. This collection of pictures is named “The Heart”.

Architecture is a very important element in Norcian life. Any engineering project which has an impact for the citizens will be built. Norcians could build almost anything by pushing the boundaries of engineering. A lot of tv shows concentrated on this, the end result is Thrace University for Architecture and Construction has gained a good fame for giving a lot of good architects.

Thrace University for Architecture and Construction is a respected institution in Norcian society and beyond. Students from Persica, Threshold, Alliance came to this great place of learning. The library of the university had millions of books, diagrams, e-files some of them dating from the 19th century. A lot of them are re edited editions of older books. The level of education is very high, the students are constantly pushed to there limits of innovation.

Infrastructure projects were biult to insure that the economy will thrive. From massive space stations, huge water reservoirs, incredible roadwork ,spaceports this represented the Norcian way of life :”Go big or go home.”