The Empire of Vijaykagraha (Eksaath (Modern)Vijayanagar Saamraajy; lit. Empire of the Victor – "Visch-yeahn;" Eksaakrit (Traditional): Vijaykeutthaanka Saamraajy; lit. Empire of the Transcendence of Victory) is an elective monarchical confederation composed of confederal princely states. It was established in 2616 by the Victorious General Vikramaditya Talavalakar of the Talavalakar dynasty, members of a pastoralist community that claimed Sangama lineage. However, the Vijaykrat imperial structure is sometimes dated to 2643, to the rule of Mahesh Vaidya. This imperial structure lasted until 3188, until shortly after the death of the last major Hindu emperor, Shankar Dhamala, during whose reign the empire also achieved its maximum geographical extent. The Vijaykrat Empire remains characterized as an isolated region between the Gaennid Empire and the Isharan Eisharat.

The Vijaykrat Empire is ruled by the Samraat (Emperor) of the Ateetist, who have occupied the Crown for the last three centuries. Under the leadership of Samraat Ishwar Dalavi, the notable princely states (Eksaath (Modern): riyaasaten) have manifested an economically, politically, and militarily strong nation after three centuries of pure isolation. From 3188 and preceding, the title of Samraat was recognized as Hindu Emperor (Eksaakrit (Traditional): Indu Samraj).

Founded upon the destructive nature of two denominations, Vijaykrat originally adorned itself as the "pure" successor of Hindustan. Hindus and Ateetist comparatively bestow transcendental rites, although the perception toward existence alters. Ateetist believes in a sequestered lifestyle. In contrast, Hindus of Vijaykrat wish to traverse and expand their influence beyond the Ether. These disagreements generated turmoil in the life of the ordinary Vijaykrat covering eight centuries.

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