The Doradion Conclave (engl.: Golden Conclave) is a theocratic monarchy directly west of the Kingdom of Eirangard. Surrounded by the Atlantean Empire to the north, the Star Kingdom of Persica to the south, and the Star Trading Conglomerate to the south-west, the Conclave is lodged in between several larger nations.

The former republic, comprised of colonists originating in the Holy Dominion of the Empyrean See today is a theocratic monarchy with the so-called Medidora as head of state and religion. The Conclave is a vassal under the Eirangardian throne and economically and politically highly dependent on it. Its military power is highly limited, only barely able to hold onto power in the region and control its most developed systems, while less developed regions in their territory are de facto independent and often run by private military entities originating in various other nations or regions of space.

Table of Contents


Doradion ([d​o​r​a​d͡ʒ​​i​ɔ​n] engl.: golden) is a direct reference to the golden symbolism around the doradion king also known as Medidora.

Medidora [mɛd​​i​d͡ʒ​​ɔ​rɐ], in turn, has its routes in the Spanish words media (engl.: half) and dorado (engl.:golden). The mentioned golden symbolism goes back to the ancient routes of the Doradion religion with central themes of gold as a divine material with connections to the Sun which is seen as somewhat of a guardian figure in the local mythology. The Medidora is seen as the human representation of this divine protection and head of state as well as religion.


Mar de Castiros

Representing the central region in the Northwestern Interstellar Bloc (NIB) region, the area has a surprisingly low population with the Doradion Conclave being the only notable nation. It is a quiet region of space with only small to medium-sized stars and few habitable planets. The most notable locations in the region are Beauves, Valleva, Cóledo, Zagon, Ginse, and Wiesental, the planets originally colonized by the Conclave.


Main Article - Beauves

Home to the wildly popular Beauves liquor, Beauves is one of two developed and safe planets in Conclave space. Due to a slightly too hot average climate to be livable for human colonists, only the polar regions down to a latitude of around 65 degrees are inhabited, with large regions near the equator covered in lifeless deserts. While extremophile bacteria have been found in those regions, complex life usually only exists in caverns or underground water reservoirs. This results in two very distinct ecosystems in the planet's two polar regions, while sea life species are more uniformly spread across the planet. As it is the Conclave's only really habitable planet, it is also the agricultural heart, despite the many agricultural orbital habitats used in addition.


Main Article - Valleva

The third planet around the red giant Enarojo is a world of shallow valleys and picturesque lakes, intersected by few yet massive rift valleys and canyon systems. As there is no plate tectonic activity inducing vulcanic eruptions or magnetic shielding to speak of, the only reason for the planet to still have an atmosphere is its extreme distance, low temperatures, and high mass. With 1.5 times Earth's mass and gravitational forces experienced on its surface and average temperatures of only 170 Kelvin, liquid methane lakes and mountain chains of frozen hydrocarbon compounds are a common sight. Fortunately, heavy ice storms are quite rare, as the atmosphere lacks the energy density to form those, despite its relatively high density.

While the planet has several large orbital stations run by various private factions, facilitating trade with mined hydrocarbon compounds and refined industrial fluids, the planet's surface is largely uninhabited. One of the few larger settlements is a mountain fortress of the infamous mercenary faction Sons of Masada - known in the Atlantean Empire as Sacreans -, who used one of the few rocky cliffsides in a rift valley to construct a massive underground complex. The actual size and population of the stronghold are unknown, as the entrance to the more secure parts is restricted only to accepted members. While the faction is based on a very loose concept of leadership and the expression of freedom, it is also a highly militarized organization, fiercely holding together when facing outside influence and possible intruders.

The part accessible to strangers is a large spaceport, including hangars, maintenance facilities and supply depots, basic lodging, and free market places where almost everything including acquired military-grade weapon systems, mostly made in the Atlantean Empire, and other high-tech goods can be traded. There are only few rules to the business that can be conducted, but among those are the prohibition of slave trades and fighting, fiercely controlled by the Sacreans. While most members sell their knowledge as mercenaries or similar aggressive services, those who don't participate usually work in the various parts of the freeport.


Main Article - Cóledo



Main Article - Zagon

Zagon, a dry moon of methane and rock, home of the Sons of Lightning, is just a rock around a small gas giant devoid of any native life. Once chosen by the Conclave to become a fuel depot and carbohydrate refining outpost, Zagon became a known industrial hub for the incoming marauders from the former Assyrian Empire. After the Doradion Conclave lost their ability to control and supply the mining stations and habitats in the system, the new force coming from the far east was almost welcomed as liberators. The Assyrian troops however saw the colonists only as lesser humans and barbarians, ripe for enslavement and exploitation. Since then life on the planet and in the whole system has become increasingly harsh for anyone and definitely not worthwhile a tourist visit.


Main Article - Ginse



Main Article - Wiesental

Despite its name, the planet is far less than a pleasant place to live. Without any atmosphere to speak off and only about 1/4 standard gravity, Large habitation domes dominate the few still operated settlements. Where once lived over two billion people, today only 250 million remain, mostly clustered around crudely maintained starports and mining facilities. It is infamous for hosting the largest all-year slave market in western human space, with millions bought and sold each rotation. Despite the general knowledge of its existence, the Conclave was not able to stop any activities on the planet, as it and the star system it's located in are under the control of several large militias and pirate factions.


Main Article - History of the Doradion Conclave

Founding (2600s - 2833)

The Conclave's history actually begins in the 2600s within what today is called the Holy Dominion of the Empyrean See. As the Empyrean Sees was expanding into regions and systems dominated by different cultures during this time - and therefore expanding the variety of cultures influencing the nation overall - several splinter groups of more isolationist people from the original cultures forming the See, banded together to set up independent colonies in the far west. During several years of the planning phase, they determined several planets beyond the Eirangardian Kingdom's western borders suitable for colonization. Unfortunately, exact dates from that era could be determined as archives have been lost or were badly damaged by time and conflict, but it is certain that the settlers left some time before the year 2680.

After the initial settlement, an early space economy was formed to ensure the prosperity of all the colonies. These efforts were organized under an administrative body formed by governing officials from each colony, forming the foundation of an overarching government, binding the fast-growing population into one new nation. While the planets had a great deal of autonomy in the early days, the centralized interplanetary economy and the national government slowly gained more power and control over time. Due to some growing pains and rapidly escalating internal conflicts the nation experienced in the late 2700s calls for a strong leadership structure and big cross planet development programs resulted in the formation of a nobility system, ensuring only experienced politicians and economists made informed decisions. By 2833 the omnipresent church brought over from the Empyrean See had a conjunction with the nobility to form the first theocratic monarchy.

Early Aristocratic Period (2833 - 2910)

The following civil war ravaged the nation for over 35 years, leaving the colonies in ruins and the national treasury empty. During this time, several of the less developed colonies were mostly abandoned and left to die by the government. The impending exodus to the still functioning planets increased the local populations by several factors. Water and food shortages were common during this time, further stifling the rebuilding and reestablishment of destroyed infrastructure.

Widespread resource depletion and constant uprisings by the suffering population forced the reigning class and Medidora Juan de Contora to search for new income sources. In 2904, large expedition missions were attempted, exploring the neighboring regions south and east of the Conclaves territories. Reaching the by then already unified and prospering Eirangardian and Persican territories, several smaller and independent systems had also been found, valued as too weak to resist conquering.

As these systems - known today as the Three Principalities - stood under the protection of the King of Eirangard, raiding them and demanding tribute very quickly caused a major international incident during which the Conclave and its planets were themselves conquered by the Eirangardian army, resulting in the vassalisation of the state under the Eirangard throne in 2910.

Modern Aristocratic Period (2910 - Today)

Due to the fact that economic aid and opened up trade routes flowing in from Eirangard helped to get the resources initially searched for, Juan de Contora was even able to hold onto power even though he had been defeated and vassalized.

Demilitarization and tight restrictions on how big the Conclaves navy could be stifled any further expansion attempts, creating a period where the nation focussed mainly on itself. During the next few decades, the nation was rebuilt and the abandoned colonies were reinstated as royal holdings under the Medidora and other noble families. As economic growth began to slow down in the 3150s and royal expenses kept increasing, the royal family became increasingly dependent on resources from the other noble houses and aids from the Eirangardians. This led to a greater deal of autonomy for holdings under the control of other noble houses, resulting in the loose political structure seen today.

With the great distances between the outer and inner planets, most of the royal and political power is concentrated on the systems directly controlled by the Medidora and theocratic bureaucracy. The other colonized systems slowly became more autonomous, often only officially under the control of the government, while mostly not even paying taxes or respecting the official authorities. Private entities quickly began flocking to these sometimes surprisingly habitable worlds, creating local governing structures and freeports without government control. Today the four outer colonies - lying west of the central planets - are considered mostly autonomous and the Doradion Conclave is considered a failed state there.


On top of the state is the Medidora. He rules his holdings as an absolute monarch, also functioning as head of state religion. A cast of bureaucrats, mostly born into aristocratic families governs cities and towns on his behalf. Other noble families rule over their holdings more or less autonomous, pledging allegiance to the Medidora and his status as a demigod, paying tribute in form of taxes and military forces. On a day-to-day basis, state order is held together more by the Medidoras status as a religious figure than military might, giving the average citizen a rather large amount of personal freedom, as long as worship and personal beliefs are in line with state guidelines.

Goldwing Squadron

The Medidoras personal guard and armed force is known as the Goldwing squadron. It is comprised of only the most elite pilots, soldiers, and technicians, serving on gold-plated spacecraft, mostly stationed in orbit of Valleva, where the Medidoras palace is located. The squadron functions as a peacekeeping force and its individuals as law enforcement agents, patrolling important locations and protecting large industrial centers.


The Conclaves military is comprised of each noble house's personal fleets and ground troops, usually made up of a wide variety of specialized units. They usually only protect their house's holdings, not interfering with each other. Only in times of great crisis is the Medidora allowed to call all troops under his direct control to perform actions.


As a vassal to Eirangard, the kingdom is the Conclaves' strongest economic partner. While the Medidora is official the highest incarnation of the sun god, it is impossible for him to have a lower status than any human next to him. This makes public events rather complicated, as the King of Eirangard is de facto not equal but of higher power than the Medidora. This has been managed in the past by always having to match or even outmatch luxurious symbols fashionable in Eirangard. This led to a high degree of dependence on Eirangard and its economic development programs, as the expenses for all these representative symbols are far higher than supported by tax collections in the Conclave.

Naturally, trade relations with the other vassals of Eirangard are common, other international agreements on the other hand are quite rare, as the Conclaves influence is rather limited and its interests are mostly concentrated on its own territory.


For an advanced space-faring nation, a disproportionate percentage of the workforce is still employed in agriculture and other basic industries. This is partially the case due to higher education being restricted to wealthy families but also due to the fact that many Doradi see hard work in contact with nature as a form of worship. While some high-tech industries and advanced trade exist, mainly to support the noble houses' military and representative expenses, the average citizen works in low-tech jobs.

Gold-plated artistry and appliances make up a large portion of the nation's export goods, together with basic materials and minerals.

One otherwise notable product however is Beauves. The liquor originating on the planet with the same name is one of the few export hits of the Conclave. The northern desert melon which it is made from, is one of the most common crops on the planet as the proceeds from exporting the beverage make up a large percentage of the nation's international income. An ever-increasing dependency on foreign currency has also meant that farming space for conventional crops became rare over time and a not-insignificant portion of the nation's food production nowadays happens in space habitats in orbit of large population centers, be it the capital world or small mining colonies.

Science and Technology




