The Ionian Caldera, also known as the Ionia Caldera or simple as the Ionia Cluster, is a region of space roughly ten to twenty light years in width and height. Located at the far western edge of Ionia, and surrounded on its east and western sides by large nebula and astral debris, known as the Aegelian Wall and the Ihalan Spiral respectively, the caldera forms the cradle of the Ionian heartland.

Settlement of the Ionian Caldera is dated to the latter half of the 25th century, seeded by disenfranchised citizens of Achrotos to the west, who rapidly spread themselves across the region, establishing a myriad of independent states. The Caldera came under the rulership of the Ossyrian Empire in the latter half of the 26th century, establishing a hegemony over the region until it's eventual collapse in the early 31st century, leading to a period of interregnum, from which birthed the Ionian League.

From the ashes of the Ossyrian Empire, the free thinking, democratic Ionian League quickly secured its place as a regional power following the discovery of the Anaxian Termini. With the rise of the League assured, it's influence quickly spread throughout the Caldera, succeeding the territorial extent of the late Ossyrian Empire. Nestled between the protective films of the Ihalan Spiral and the Aegelian Wall, Ionian culture flourished.

The Ionian Caldera forms one of the most important political centres in the Eastward Rim, boasting the greatest deal of extra-solar infrastructure and security. Following the end of the Great Ionian War, measures were taken by Ionian policy makers to reinforce the Caldera, their eyes ever looking westward to the expansionist Empyrean See and the bulwark of the Warden Line.


Archaic Period


Polemic Period


Diadochic Period


Idrytic Period


Igenomic Period



Anaxia System


Ossan System


Ptelea System



Ihalan Spiral


Aegelian Wall




