The Stormcrow-class is a gunship primarily operated by CrownForce in the Star Kingdom of Persica. Intended to replace the aging secondhand gunships as part of Project Blacklance, the Stormcrow provides devastating ground, air, and space support with improved turrets and a flurry of ultralight missiles. The advanced Lord Royce Royal engines give the Stormcrow the speed and agility that CrownForce is quickly becoming known for.

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There is no naming convention for the class, considered to small to warrant the HMS (His/Her Majesty’s Starship) prefix, and are instead simply numbered. However, the first commanders of each gunship give them nicknames that tend to persist throughout the vessel’s service. An unofficial registry within CrownForce ensures that no names are duplicated as it is considered gravely unlucky to have two ships of the same name.

Development History

The second starship class developed entirely in the Star Kingdom, the Stormcrow is the result of Project Blacklance – the first starship development commission with Ravendyne Defence Industries (RDI) proposing and heading the project and utilizing Persican subcontractors, rather than acting as a local subcontractor for Eirangardian manufacturers. Sponsorship and personal interest from King Cade III helped RDI secure the contract and the Ministry of Defence green-lit Project Blacklance in 3384. The designers of the Stormcrow incorporated lessons learned from refitting and maintaining Eirangard and Alliance gunships to produce a fast, agile platform, capable of operating both in space and in support of ground elements. The Stormcrow is the only class of vessel operated by both the Navy and the Army.

Blacklance provided an opportunity for Persican defence companies to showcase their contributions: Lord Royce Royal’s ion engines; fusion reactors from the Taerken Corporation; an array of A.I. and E-combat suites from Scotia-Fausett Quantum Systems; weapons from Roth Enfield and Serapheon, and particle laser CIWS by RDI.


The Stormcrow was designed to provide close-in heavy weapons support to ground and spaceborne troops, usually from a stationary platform or as part of a combat air wing aboard a larger vessel. Armed with Roth Enfield MR-50 Mk. III Quad 50mm Kinetic Rifle Turrets, RDI TPL-10 Particle Laser Turrets, and Serapheon UM-33 Ultralight Missile Launchers, the Stormcrow is capable of delivering precision firepower or area-saturation fire over a target area over an extended period of time; in atmosphere, this includes during night and adverse weather. Aesthetically, the gunships are sleeker than previous ones, affecting more of the raven/raptor quality so cherished by Persican nobility.

Operational History

The first Stormcrow gunships were completed in 3390 and entered service the following year, assigned to the combat air wings of the new Vanovar-class escort carriers. While typically used in support of the Vanovar’s marine complement, carrier commanders found use for the gunship in light scouting and picketing duties during solo operations, particularly in hunting pirates. CrownForce brass has consistently offered praise for the design and utility of the Stormcrow, which has become a reliable workhorse in the Navy and Army alike.

Notable Ships of the Line

There are currently almost (number) Stormcrow-class gunships operating in the Star Kingdom, produced by RDI subsidiary Rookwood Legate at the Hartsmouth Staryards at CrownForce Base (CFB) Gaeasidhe in the Persica System, and at the Novaport Staryards in the Bridon-Daxony System. Notable gunships include:

GNX-001 – RDI-GN – Prototype Ship (Ravendyne)

Stormcrow – first production ship

Bloodraven – one of two gunships currently assigned to escort carrier HMS Threnody

Shrike – second of two gunships currently assigned to escort carrier HMS Threnody

Sun Chariot – most decorated gunship in the CrownForce Navy

Grim Forbearance – most decorated gunship in the CrownForce Army